legacy art journal challenge,
legacy art journal challenge prompts,
Legacy Art Journal Challenge Prompt 49 and Today's List of 10
10:04 PM
Prompt #49
In school, were you the teacher's pet, class clown, a trouble maker or someone else?
Today's List of 10:
10 things I would rather forget
Choose 1 item from 101 ART journaling prompts <--- lots of free tutorials!
Choose 1 item from 101 WORD prompts
OR- do your own thing! The prompts are here to inspire and give you ideas, but feel free to do what YOU want!
That's it!
Now, get to it! Go make a beautiful mess and come on by the group and share your masterpiece!
NOTE: During the challenge, if a prompt does not apply to you, feel free to substitute your own prompt! It's YOUR journal, after all!
Missed a prompt? Want to start from the beginning? Start here.
New? Click here for info about our Legacy Art Journal Challenge.