Who: Anyone interested in creating a legacy journal using art journaling and mixed media methods.
What: A 101 day challenge that includes:
- 101+ legacy prompts (family history, personal stories, anecdotes, photos, etc.) These will be posted DAILY via the blog. prompts delivered to your inbox. If the day's prompt does not apply to you or your situation you may substitute your own prom
- 101 lists of 10 - who doesn't LOVE lists? Quick, personal & all about your life, likes, dislikes and much more.
- 101 art journal prompts (suggestions to get your creative juices flowing)
- 101 word prompts (more creative suggestions)
Where: The Art Journaling for Beginners Facebook group
Why: To create a beautiful legacy heirloom that your children/loved ones will hold on to and cherish for years to come. Just in time for the holidays! You could give this as a gift and go over it with them, or you could put it away as a sweet legacy they discover after you have passed on. For my personal story and how this all came about click here.
How: Each day beginning September 1, 2015 (excluding holidays but not excluding weekends) I will publish a blog post that you can sign up to get via email that will include a legacy prompt, a list of 10, and art journal technique suggestions, and word prompt suggestions. Join our Art Journaling for Beginners group to connect with others participating in the challenge, and to learn new methods, techniques, view tutorials and much more, to help you make your legacy art journal.
During this 101 day challenge you could just do the basics and then go back later and add to your notes and/or artwork. While this is an art journaling challenge, if you are pressed for time and choose only to write out the legacy and list prompts, that's perfectly ok too!
You are not required to share your work to the group, but you are encouraged to do so if you choose! This group is a beginners group, so no pressure. Your loved ones will adore anything made by you and cherish the words and thoughts written by you.
How much: Free
This is a wonderful opportunity to learn side by side more about art journaling techniques, to experiment, to express ourselves and share a more personal side to our loved ones. My hope is that once our project is complete, not only will you allow others to get to know more about you, but that you get to know more about yourself!
PLEASE NOTE: Do not feel that you need to go out and by fancy new art supplies. You do not. This project can be done beautifully with basic elementary school art supplies:
- crayons
- pencils
- erasers
- pencil sharpener
- glue
- pens
- permanent markers
- washable markers
- colored pencils
- watercolor paints
- chalk
- acrylic paints
- scrap paper (from old books, magazines, music, junk mail, cereal boxes, wrapping paper, etc)
Here is a basic list I put together, while long, contains many things you already have around your house that can be used with various art journaling techniques and projects. Check it out here and begin gathering basic supplies in preparation for our start date, September 1, 2015.

You can also check out some of my personal favorite art supplies I use here.
Feel free to share, and be sure to comment and let me know what you think!
Now, go get ready to make some beautiful messes!
Embracing beautifully messy imperfections,
~Jennifer Suzanne